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If you are interested in a puppy out of my breed or think about buying an American Akita in
the next two years, you can make a non-binding registration in the list provided below

For me as a breeder it is a useful tool to control the breeding.
When puppies are sold from the next litter then you will get preferential treatment and you
can choose a puppy according to the order of your registration as first, second, etc.

Puppy price  

Sales contract  

For a non-binding registration, please use the following form

 Zip code  City


 E-Mail Adress



Legal notice & data protection               Your contact to us: Phone +49 7520 9564930 or  

We are a member of:


- Regional contact partner "Akita Club e.V."                                   Breeder at VDH
  for American Akita at Baden Württemberg
- Examiner for the behavioural test in the Akita cub e.V.
- Animal protection officer Akita Club e.V.